Product Portfolio » Never carry paper, this software makes it possible

About a week ago I decided to update my entire product inventory and upload my Product Portfolio online. I did not want to come up with the same boring slideshow that everyone else offers. I just wanted my potential customers to be able to interact with my store by flipping through the pages of an online catalog the same way they would with a paper one.  All of those solutions for my business, and even more, have been provided by Yumpu Publishing. This software is outstanding for product portfolios The catalog of my dreams was quite unique. It would have cost thousands of dollars to make in print, and hundreds to design online. Just when I thought I was only dreaming, I found this site. It did exactly that: It allowed me to put up each and every one of my products, provide a description, make a theme, and put it all together in a matter of minutes! All I had to do was load the pictures of the products to a PDF. Then, I uploaded the PDF to the website. In seconds, I had a fluid, interactive magazine in full, crisp display with all the pictures of the products in the exact order that I wanted to show them. I was also able to customize the catalog! I included my personal logo and chose my store’s own theme and colors. I added:• The logo of my store to the cover page• A color-coded theme to sort the products by categories• Graphics, such as clip art and different fonts.I even embedded a video showing how to use some of my...