How to make an e Brochure? ᐅ Here is the explanation

Call me Mr. President – I just won the student council election and I wanted to write a little note to thank this software for showing me how to create an e-brochure for free…and for helping me win. Try it by yourself at Yumpu Publishing! We had just finished a graphic design course when the time for student elections arrived. I had a small team of tech-savvy students and we were all gung-ho about using our new skills and social media networking to take student elections in our school to a whole new level. But, as we soon learned, turning the message into a product was a lot more time-consuming than deciding what the message was.

OK, we studied, so where’s the experience?

Basically, we were going to spend a lot of valuable time on our laptops and tablets instead of going out in person to reinforce the message we wanted to put out on the internet.

That’s when we found out about how to create an e-brochure FOR FREE using Yumpu Publishing’s free e-brochure creator.

One of the team had a sister who ran a small marketing and promotions company on a threadbare staff, managing dozens of small clients with lots of specific needs.

“Have you guy tried this e-brochure-maker?” she asked, when we ran our ideas by her. “If no one is testing your graphic design skills, then why waste your time making a brochure when you can do it online, without even having to download anything?”

No one could believe how much time this off-the cuff advice would save us.

how to create e-brochure

So how to create an E-Brochure?

how to create e-brochure

Once we created a campaign account, we simply uploaded the PDFs with the text and pics we’d created, and VOILA it was done.

Yumpu Publishing had showed us how to create e-brochure for free, online.

By the end of the same day, our message was ready for mass consumption.

We blasted out emails and social media posts, answering our competitor’s puerile memes and boring manifestos with clear, concise, snappy e-brochures that also doubled as posters.

Within days, our messaging was reaching people in places we could never have predicted.

What really impressed me was that we got all that for free and we didn’t even need to download any new programs or apps. There was no fear of downloading malware and no need to slow down my overworked laptop. The app gave us a great e-brochure maker FOR FREE and then, they did all the work on their side. The only thing we needed to download was the only thing we wanted to download – THE FREE E-BROCHURE.

Another thing that really boosted our campaign was how easy it was to share the e-brochure on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest and other social media networks. We could send one single page e-brochure to a specific audience, targeting them in a narrow way or we could compile the various e-brochures into a magazine/catalogue. We could even select a part of a page and share it on Facebook and Pinterest. This brought our message control to a whole new level.

Learning how to create e-brochure online really gave our little campaign the time and breathing room we needed to prepare for debates and to spend more time in the field meeting people instead of huddling over our laptops trying to create e-brochures.

Elections at our school have become a very immature affair over the last few years. Often times, the winner is the person who trolls their rivals the best or tells the best jokes. Worst of all, it became a popularity contest that put student power in the hands of people who didn’t really care about anything that mattered.

The Result

Yumpu Publishing’s free and easy method for e-brochure – making not only helped us to win, it helped to bring some substance back to student councils and proved that while young people like me may like a good joke, they are actually in fact capable of listening to a clear and serious message and responding to it positively.

Who would have thought that something as simple as a free e-brochure maker could have such a profound effect on young people who have been taught how to make e-brochures? Who would have thought that young people would enthusiastically read e-brochures on Twitter?

After learning how easy it is to create a e-brochure online, as well as how much difference good messaging makes in any campaign, all we could think was, “What do we do next, Pinky?”

“Try to take over the city council together with Yumpu Publishing.

  1. Congrats Oliver! 😀

    • Haha Thanks!

  2. Is there anyone who tested the adfree plan of yumpu already? Thanks for the feedback guys!

    • Hey M.Ark.Us! I was working with the adfree plan already and I was really satisfied with the features it offered – a great deal for a monthly rate of only $10 or €8 (the first 30 trial days are free anyways). Here are some features the adree plan offers:
      – Google Analytics
      – no advertisments
      – Privacy settings

  3. Can you tell me what’s the difference of the free version and the adfree version?

    • With the free version you “only” get those features:
      – unlimited amount of magazines
      – unlimited pages per magazine
      – HTML5, Flash, JS

      And here are the extra features you will get with the adfree plan:
      – you get extensive statistics with google analytics
      – it’s 100% advertising-free
      – you have more privacy settings

  4. We just created a new awesome logo. Would be nice to insert it on our brochure. How do I do that? I can’t find an option to change the logo.

    • Kathy, I guess you working with the free plan? If yes, unfortunately you can change your logo only if you booked the adfree plan.

  5. Alright – thanks for the fast response Oliver.

  6. Hey Oliver, I was using other online publishers before and it was okay. I wanna try something new and wanna give it a try with Yumpu. There is one question (probably more will follow after I get into it more):
    Is it possible for my customers to download the e-brochure?

    • Yes that’s possible but you need the adfree plan to activate the download function in magazines. You can decide then if your readers are able or not to download your magazine.

  7. Hello Oliver!
    Do I need a good internet connection do work with the yumpu software? I’m travelling at the moment. Hope it works.

    • Hey Oscar. You don’t need to download any software. The only thing you need to do is to upload your pdf file on yumpu. That goes really fast – no fast internet needed. Enjoy your travels!

  8. I like your success story, Oliver. Makes me try to make an e-brochure on my own.
    I just don’t know yet for what purpose I should use the e-brochure haha 😀

  9. IT IS super easy!!! I was even able to pubish my first e-brochure on facebook ON MY OWN! I’m really excited for my next projects now! Thank you Oliver!

  10. Hy Oliver! Did you try other digital publishing tools besides Yumpu?

    • I did some researches and found a couple of other publishers like issuu etc. But I liked what Yumpu offered. It got all I needed for a really reasonable price. So I decided to work with it straight away. I can’t give you any feedback on other products, mate – sorry.

  11. If you’re trying to sell me that product. If yes, it works haha. I need to agree this software is simple to handle, looks professional and is done in no time.

  12. That sounds like a dream of a software.
    No downloading of softwares is necessary – which means no danger of getting viruses.
    I got paranoid about it since I got one last time when I downloaded a new software.

  13. Yeawwww I can agree – super simple tool with quality outcome

  14. I love to work with pinterest. I didn’t know that I can use the e-brochure there as well – awesome!!


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